Compass Shows Support for World Blood Donor Day

In anticipation of World Blood Donor Day on 14 June, Compass Medical Waste Services held a blood drive at their head office in Westville and almost doubled the target set by the South African National Blood Services (SANBS) for that day.

Peter Crossley, the Westmead Plant Manager, made his 209th blood donation on the day and a number of staff expressed interest in becoming platelet and plasma donors.

SANBS also asked Compass, along with other iconic South African brands, to get involved in their ‘Missing Types’ campaign – in which they have asked companies to drop the As, Bs and Os from their name, to correlate with the four blood groups: A, AB, B and O. We removed the Os and the A from our ‘Compass Blood Donor Day’ logo in support of SANBS’ ‘Missing Types’ campaign.

At present, only one in every approximate 140 people are blood donors. This means that every single day the nation is almost always close to running out of blood stocks, placing thousands of lives at risk.

This needs to be changed. So if you haven’t participated in World Blood Donor Day, we urge you to go along to your nearest SANBS blood bank and donate this June – National Blood Donor Month.

Compass Supports World Blood Donor Day